Audiovisual Electronics & Software Design
Creating Electronics and Software as Tools and Inspiration for Music and Art
PCB Design & Build
Eurorack modules and other PCBs are designed in EasyEDA with track routing performed by Freerouting. Front panels are designed in CorelDRAW and KiCad.
Audio paths are generally pure analogue, using geek-standard Curtis Semiconductor (and other) analogue ICs, augmented by digital ICs where appropriate:
CEM3340 VCO (Rev. G) [Oscillator]
AS3320 VCF [Filter]
AS3360 Dual Log/Lin VCA [Amplifier]
VCLFO10 [Low-Frequency Oscillator]
NOISE2 [White/Pink Noise Generator]
ENVGEN8C VCADSR [Envelope Generator]
VCDO [Wavetable Oscillator]
Some of the Eurorack modules I've designed:
Tetris game (most important)
LED-Matrix voltage-waveform and frequency-spectrum display (64x32 RGB)
Analogue Voltage Controlled Oscillator (simple & comprehensive versions)
Voltage Controlled Digital Oscillator
Linear (analogue) Power Supply
"Verry" Low-Frequency Oscillator (1-sec to 100-hour cycle)
Voltage Controlled Low-Frequency Oscillator
VCLFO - high-density - menu controlled
Euclidean Sequencer
Traditional Sequencer
Various Multi-Channel Mixers
Voltage Controlled Amplifier
Power Distribution boards
Multiplexing and I/O (3.5mm & 6.35mm)
Voltage Controlled ADSR Envelopes (Amplitude & Filter) + Cutoff & Resonance
Wav Trigger Drum Machine (CV interface to a commercial SD-Card wav-file sampler)
Digital BPM Trigger Generator
Voltage-Controlled ADSR Envelope Generator
Voltage Preset and Attenuverter
Chainable MIDI input (note and velocity) to Control Voltage (each module adds up to 6 notes with multi-MIDI-channels per module)
Light Harp velocity-sensitive touchless interface (CV velocity and pitch output)
Schematic Design & Embedded Software Development
Circuit module functionality is designed with EasyEDA. Embedded code for Arduino and ESP32 (for digital control/ADC/DAC/MIDI/blinkenlights...) is written in C and C++. PC software for hardware interaction written in C# and SQL. FPGA development with Lattice Diamond.